We understand that there are occasions when children may be absent from school particularly due to illness or medical appointments, but one of the most important things that you can do for your child to ensure a bright future is to ensure that he or she goes to school every day —and gets there on time.
The correlation between school attendance and children’s achievement levels is well established. The more time kids spend at school, the more likely they are to experience school success.
Being a few minutes late each day may not seem to be a big deal but your child may be missing more than you realise if they are continually late. Mornings are the most productive learning time of the day with 10.00am being the peak learning time. School begins at 9.00am and we expect that children will be at school at about 8.50am so that they have time to organise themselves before school begins.
However, please do not send your child to school if they are ill.
If you know your child will be away or was away please do one of the following:
Children are expected to be at school every day unless they are unwell. Student absences are detailed in student reports and compared to state averages.
Head lice are small insects that live on the scalp and lay eggs (nits) on the hair. Lice and nits cause an itchy scalp. Head lice are common in children and will move from head to head without discrimination. Medicated treatments to kill lice and nits are available.
Please ensure you check their child’s hair at least once a week for head lice.
If your child has head lice, you must notify the school so that other parents in the grade can be alerted. Re-infestation can occur from children who have not been treated. When the child’s hair has been treated they may return to school.
For more information visit http://health.vic.gov.au/headlice/
The Dental Van Service is operated by Seymour Health and has a permanent location within the Seymour District Hospital precinct. To make an appointment parents need to contact the School Dental Service on 5793 6126. Once a child has attended the School Dental Service they will receive a follow up appointment every 24 months to help maintain their dental health. The maximum cost for dental service is $28 per child up to a maximum of $112 per family per course of care per year (costs as per Sept 2008). Children covered by a Health Care Card or Pension Card are treated free of charge. Any emergency treatment is free of charge.
Appointments are available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 8:30and and 4pm.
The Primary School Nursing Program (PSNP) is a free service offered by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to children attending their first year at primary school.
Primary school nurses visit schools throughout the year to provide children with the opportunity to have a health assessment; provide information and advice about healthy behaviours and link children and families to community based health and wellbeing services.
The PSNP is designed to identify children with potential health related learning difficulties and to respond to parent/carer concerns and observations about their child's health and well being. Parent/carer(s) complete the School Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) which is distributed during the first year of school. With parent/carer consent, follow up health assessments are conducted by the school nurse as indicated.
All information is confidential. The health assessment is not intended to replace your normal source of health care. For further information please visit www.education.vic.gov.au/healthwellbeing/health/schoolnursing/primschool