Assessment and Reporting at Puckpunyal Primary
To give parents the very best opportunity to be involved with their child’s education, we conduct formal Parent/Teacher Sharing throughout the year and send home Student Reports. Puckapunyal Primary School uses student reports and formal interviews to report student progress in a useful and comprehensive manner. At any stage of the year, parents and teachers may request an interview to raise a concern and we encourage close links between families & School as we strive to work together to achieve the best outcomes.
At Puckapunyal Primary School, assessment and reporting procedures are consistent with the guidelines outlined by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Victorian Department of Education.
In terms of assessment, Puckapunyal Primary addresses the requirements of the VRQA in the following ways:
Schools will use ongoing assessment of each student’s performance, and that this assessment will be embedded in the school’s curriculum program
Schools will assess student performance against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 achievement standards
Schools will formally record assessment information for every student
Schools will monitor student performance
Schools will have policies and procedures that outline expectations for the assessment, recording and monitoring of student performance
Schools will make sure that teachers, parent/carer(s) and students have access to accurate information about student performance.
Puckapunyal Primary School uses student reports and formal interviews to report student progress in a useful and comprehensive manner. The school publishes twice-annual formal reports to parent/carer(s) which are available both electronically, on Compass, and in printed form.
At any stage of the year, parents and teachers may request an interview to raise a concern. Formal parent/teacher interviews are scheduled twice per year at the following times:
Student Led Conferences are also held twice yearly at the following times:
In terms of reporting, Puckapunyal Primary addresses the requirements of the Department of Education in the following ways:
Schools are required to formally report student achievement and progress to parents/carers at least twice per school year for each student enrolled at the school. The report must be a written report (print or digital), be in an accessible form and be easy for parents/carers to understand.
Schools must report directly against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 achievement standards. Both student achievement and progress must be included in the report.
Opportunities must be provided for parents/carers and students to discuss the school report with teachers and/or school leaders.