Defence School Mentor

Defence Community Organisation provides funding for Defence School Mentors in primary and secondary schools across Australia to support the children of mobile Australian Defence Force families.


At Puckapunyal Primary School, we are very fortunate to be able to provide our families with the support of a full-time DSM, Melanie Allford. Melanie supports our students and families in the following ways:


  • Assisting children and families to integrate into the new school and local community
  • Smoothing the transition between schools and different education systems (including minimising the impact of relocation on children’s learning outcomes)
  • Monitoring the social, emotional and academic wellbeing of Defence students
  • Helping students develop self-confidence, self-reliance and resilience
  • Directing students to programs, services or opportunities that suit their needs
  • Providing support to children during times of parental Absence


Although Melanie works mainly with Defence families, she also offers support to non-Defence students and families where necessary.


If you would like to know more about the DSM program, please contact the school or get in contact with Melanie at