The School Council of Puckapunyal allows for the election of up to 8 non DET members, up to 6 DET members including the Principal, and up to 2 co-opted members.
A school council’s objectives are to:
The desired education program of the school is thus developed through the process of consultation and negotiation among those vitally affected. The adopted policies, therefore, reflect the values and the goals of the whole school community.
Elections are held for School Council each year in March. Please consider becoming actively involved in your school through School Council membership.
Damien Humphrey
Jaimie McCarthy
Rebekah McLaren
Kevin Warne (Executive Officer)
Katie Hartland (Vice-Executive Officer)
David Allen (President)
Troy Charters (Vice-President)
Alysha Tiernan (Treasurer)
Kimberley Duncan (Minute Secretary)
Matt McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaren
Jake Kociancic
Michael McCall
Michelle Von Muralt
Alysha Tiernan
David Allen
Kevin Warne
Kimberley Duncan
Curriculum Committee
(and support from all staff)