
Victorian Curriculum 


Puckapunyal Primary School follows the Victorian Curriculum F-10, which is the curriculum for all Victorian public schools. It incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian standards and priorities.

The Victorian Curriculum is the Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum that provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and common achievement standards.  Schools use the Victorian Curriculum to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.



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Art, Library and Indonesian

As part of the curriculum delivery, we have an extensive Visual Art program offered by a Specialist Teacher and a focused Library program that provides children with access to a range of Literature and builds a love and understanding of reading materials. The LOTE program introduces and extends students’ knowledge of the Indonesian language.    


Physical Education and Sport

Physical Education is a significant focus. Children are encouraged to participate, further develop their skills and enjoy a variety of sports and physical activities.  Many of our children belong to various community clubs both in Puckapunyal and Seymour and use these opportunities to play in club teams and build specific skills associated with their interests.

A particularly strong PE/Sport program operates at all class levels with a variety of sports being catered for, including athletics, swimming, football, netball, cricket, cross country, hockey, triathlons and bike education. The Area Gym assists us with triathlons and swimming. The school is affiliated with the Victorian Primary School Sports Association and competes at District, Divisional, Regional and State level in many of the above sports.

Other Curriculum Areas


A strong focus on Australia in General Studies has been developed over recent years. All children participate in a Values Education Program. The School Values selected by our school community are: respect, responsibility, tolerance/compassion, caring, kindness, honesty, enthusiasm, confidence, resilience and striving for excellence (school motto).

Information Technology is an area of the curriculum of which we are particularly proud. Each classroom has an average of 7-8 PC computers and a bank of laptops. All of our classrooms have new Interactive Touchscreens. We also have banks of ipads which students access daily


Extra-curricular Activities


  • Our music program: Choir sessions for all interested students in Years 2-6, optional keyboard and other instrumental classes, school concert and performances at assembly.
  • A range of additional lunchtime activities eg: Giant Chess, Lego.
  • Diverse sporting opportunities eg: Triathlons, Swimming, Cross Country, Basketball, Bike Rides, etc.
  • Exciting excursions, incursions and camps eg: Phillip Island, AFL Clinic, Melbourne Museum, Late stays at school.
  • Mansfield to Tallarook 4 day bike ride following the Great Victorian Rail Trail

for Years 5 & 6.

  • Commemorative services: eg Dawn Service, Shrine of Remembrance observances, Remembrance Day.


Other additional activities include an Art Show, Spelling Bee, Book Launch, Before School Sport and numerous other activities.