The Puckapunyal Primary School is an ‘open’ school that always encourages parental participation.We believe that the success of any child’s education is the direct result of the working relationship between home and school. Education is a three way partnership between students, parents and teachers. We encourage all parents to take an active role in their child’s education. Research demonstrates that the best outcomes for the learning of children when parents engage in and take an active interest in the lives & learning of their children.
Parents are encouraged to:
At the start of each year the school offers a ‘Classroom Helpers’ Course’. This program is designed to provide parents with the knowledge to support teachers and students in the classroom and throughout the school. If you wish to participate in this program, please leave your name at the office.
It is expected that those who participate in this program will be willing to volunteer at least 1 hour per week as a helper. This commitment of time ensures relationships with teachers and students are consistent and valuable.
The 3 sessions of this course cover:
You will require a Working With Children check and forms are available at the Office. You will also be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. If you want further information, please speak to Mr Warne or Mrs Hartland.
The next course will be held in February 2024. The session dates and times are:
Visitors and Volunteers Induction Pack