Puckapunyal Primary School offers a comprehensive educational program to cater for the transient population that it serves. However, with up to 40% turnover each year, no program can ever be regarded as finalised or completed, and the school must constantly attend to its business of developing literacy and numeracy, and all curriculum areas.
Teachers are encouraged to set and expect high standards from their students. The school is organised along traditional lines with some composite grades as required.
Pride in all aspects of the school’s operation is evident through a genuinely open administration and welcoming classroom environment.
The school has developed an excellent relationship with the Australian Army, and enjoys an outstanding reputation of providing for the needs of children of service personnel. This has led to excellent support to the school in many areas.
A dedicated and professional staff with wide ranging skills and abilities is a vital asset to Puckapunyal Primary School. A comprehensive Professional Development program for staff ensures that innovative curriculum programs and teaching methods are incorporated into the program.
We are committed to the following strategies:
Encouraging friendship, Improving self-concept, Developing pride in the school, Promoting sharing, tolerance and compassion, Developing respect, acknowledging differences, Applying consistent, logical discipline,Encouraging responsible play.
Room 9 - Jaimie McCarthy - Foundation - FMC
Room 8 – Rebecca Scholte and Rikki Shipman- 23S
Room 9 - Sheree Billen - Years F/1 - F1B
Room 11 – Rebekah McLaren - Years 1/2 - 12M
Room 14 – Alex Robertson - Years 3/4 - 34R
Room 13 - Aimee Brincat - Years 3/4 - 34B
Room 2 – Bec Cashill - Years 5/6 - 56C
Room 1a – Laura Mundy - Years 5/6 - 56M
Room 1b – Damien Humphrey - Years 5/6 - 56H
Leading Teacher/Wellbeing - Katie Hartland
Learning Specialist - Kahlia Evans
Art - Sharon Anderson-Warne
Library - Sharon Anderson-Warne
Learning Initiative Tutor - Sue Ranger
Indonesian - Christine Hooper
Integrated Studies Science - Lisa Field
Goodger Program - Kevin Warne
Principal - Mr. Kevin Warne
Business Manager - Andrea Thompson
Administration - Mardi Ollett
Melanie Allford - Defence School Mentor
Shannon Inness - Integration Aide
Karen Lewis - Integration Aide
Janice Marshall - Integration AideHeather Humphrey - Integration Aide
Bridgette Howard - Integration Aide
Kathryn Dunn - Integration Aide
Kylie Humphreys - Intergration Aide
Steve Herenyi - Technician